Call for Papers 2024-06
The 14th EEECS 2024 invites you to submit a short length (2 pages) original research contributions from scholars, engineers, and students from academic institutions, industries, R&D organizations, and government departments from across the world. The manuscript should contribute original research ideas, developmental ideas, analysis, findings, results, etc.
All accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings. Among the submitted papers, the some excellent papers will be selected and recommended for publication in the SCIE or Scopus indexed journals after further revision. At this time, the paper recommended will go through the reviewing process of the relevant journal, and the publication fee will be charged separately from the publisher.
Papers should be write in English. Major tracks of interest include, but not limited to the following:
Computers & Information Technology
Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Big Data and Data Centric Computing
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Data Analysis
Cloud Computing
Computing in Energy Technology
Computing in Hybrid/Convergence Service/Technology
Data Mining
Distributed and Parallel Systems
Embedded Systems and Software
E-commerce and E-governance
Graph Theory and Computing
Heterogeneous Computing
High performance and Next Generation Computing
Information Security
Information Systems
Internet and Web Applications
IoT Platforms / Services and Intelligent Sensors
Knowledge and Data Engineering and Systems
Parallel/Distributed Computing and Grid Computing
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
Programming Languages
Social and Business Aspects of Convergence IT
Software Engineering
Web-based Education Systems and Learning Applications
Signal Processing and Multimedia Systems
3D and Stereo Imaging
3D interaction for VR/AR/MR
Analog and Mixed Signal Processing
Array Signal Processing and Coding
Audio/Speech Processing and Coding
Biomedical signal processing and biosystems
Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Vision
Cognitive and Biologically-inspired Vision
Face Recognition & Super-resolution imaging
Game and Animation
Human Computer Interaction
Illumination and Reflectance Modeling
Image, video, audio, and speech signal processing
Image-Based Modeling
Image/Video Recognition and Analysis
Image and Video Retrieval
Immersive projection technology
Multimedia and social sciences, art, entertainment, culture, education
Multimedia Systems, Contents, and Communiations
Nonlinear Signals and Systems
Perception, presence, virtual embodiment, and cognition
Sensor Array and Multi-channel Processing
Signal Processing for Cryptography and Security
Smart UI/UX
Tracking and sensing for Virtual Reality
Teleoperation and telepresence
Video Surveillance and Monitoring
VR/AR/MR Systems and Applications
Networks and Communications
Adhoc and sensor networks
Cognitive, Cellular and Mobile Networks
Communication Architecture, Algorithms, Modeling and Evaluation
Green Networks and Sustainable Computing
Grid, Cloud, Internet and Peer-to-peer Computing and Communication
Heterogeneous networks
High speed networks
Internet and Web applications
Measurement & Performance Analysis
Mobile & Broadband Wireless Internet
Mobile networks, Wireless LAN, and Mesh Networks
Multimedia networking
Network Architectures and Protocols
Network Based applications and services
Network Operations & management
Networked systems applications and services
Next Generation Internet and Web Architectures
Optical Networks and Systems
QoS and Resource Management
Recent trends & Innovations in Computer Networks
Routing, switching and addressing techniques
Security, privacy, liability, and dependability in networks
Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems
Signal Processing for Communications
Ubiquitous networks
Vehicular Networking
Electrical and Electronics
Mechatronics and Robotics
Computer Architecture
Memory: Technology, Circuit, and System
Low Power Design and VLSI
Heterogeneous System Architecture
Digital System and Logic Design
RF and Wireless Circuits
Power System and Smart Grid
Control and Automation
Circuits and Systems for Signal Processing and Communications
Circuits and Systems for Sensory, Biomedical, and Automotive
Design for Variability, Reliability, and Test
CAD: Synthesis and Analysis
SoC Design and Testing
Any scientific and technical innovation and convergence related with the topics.