Paper Submission 2024-12(15th)


Please use the template to format your paper.

1. Prepare your papers

   Please prepare your paper in MS WORD.
   Authors are invited to submit full papers, short papers in English.
   All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 reviewers.
   All submissions should be originality, technical quality and will not be published elsewhere.
   Plagiarism in any form is not allowed, the authors should be responsible for the papers seriously.

2. Paper length

   Regular papers are allowed to 4 pages. Extra pages (exceed 4 pages) will incur additional charges.
   Short papers are allowed a maximum of 2 pages.
An extended abstract of 1-2 pages long is accepted.

3. Submit your papers

   1) Paper online submission system will be opened on November 16, 2024.

     go to Paper Submission (New System)

   2) Submission via e-mail:

     The e-mail subject should be named “Submission”.