Index of EEECS
Dear Colleague,
Welcome to the official website of the 9th International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engieering, Computer Scicence : Innovationa and Convergence (9th EEECS 2021). The conference will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand during December 27 – 29, 2021 . The objective of EEECS is to present the latest research and results of scientists related to Computer and Electrical Engineering topics. This conference provides opportunities for the different areas delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. We hope that the conference results constituted significant contribution to the knowledge in these up to date scientific fields.
All accepted papers will be published in the reviewed ON-LINE conference proceedings. Excellent papers selected from the conference presentations will be considered to be published by SCIE or Scopus indexing journals after further revision.